Monday, December 9, 2013


The end of the semester what every college student dreads. The end of the semester is when every student ends up going to the library in which they haven't gone to the whole semester. Finals are a very stressful week and it certainly doesn't help when the professor's add a couple of extra assignments on top of the one's you already have. Many student's need some sort of thing to keep them going such as eating, drinking coffee, but I think most of all is that music helps people stay awake and push people to go the extra mile. If a research were to be conducted on students during their finals week I believe everyone would double the amount of music being listened to on any station or media platform. Pandora probably gets an extra couple of hundred kids listening to their station in order to keep them awake or keep with the flow. Media has such a strong impact on college students as well such as Facebook sometimes kids don't want to study and need a time  to relax so they either scroll through Facebook or post something how dreadful Finals week can be. All in all all media platforms are increased tremendously during the week of finals in order to help students get to that extra mile in order to get that A+ in the class.

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