Monday, December 9, 2013

TV Shows

I had recently been watching a couple of tv shows trying to figure out whcih Tv Show to watch and I ended up watching a hand full of shows.


Arrow is a new Tv show that has become very popular. It air's on CW but the reason I started to watch it was because it is on Netflix. So the whole story is about the Green Arrow which is a superhero show start up similar to Smallville which is a show setting up Superman. Arrow is a newly intensified superhero show that allows all of the excitement and drama your looking for in a tv show.

American Dad

American Dad is another show that I started to watch trying to see if I wanted to write about it for my final paper. I began to watch and it is very interesting because it is a very funny show. I am normally a Family Guy person but as each episode concluded I started to see why people like the show. American Dad is the new Family Guy and is a very popular I can see why a lot of people like the show and I recommend it to anyone who likes or liked Family Guy.


So I finally came into conclusion that I wanted a show that I could watch that both funny and intense. The show chuck is about a ordinary guy who works at the Buy More which is a  store pretty much in comparison to Best Buy. Chuck is about a guy who wen to Stanford and end sup getting a compute rin his head. This intrigued me and it made me write about the show.


The end of the semester what every college student dreads. The end of the semester is when every student ends up going to the library in which they haven't gone to the whole semester. Finals are a very stressful week and it certainly doesn't help when the professor's add a couple of extra assignments on top of the one's you already have. Many student's need some sort of thing to keep them going such as eating, drinking coffee, but I think most of all is that music helps people stay awake and push people to go the extra mile. If a research were to be conducted on students during their finals week I believe everyone would double the amount of music being listened to on any station or media platform. Pandora probably gets an extra couple of hundred kids listening to their station in order to keep them awake or keep with the flow. Media has such a strong impact on college students as well such as Facebook sometimes kids don't want to study and need a time  to relax so they either scroll through Facebook or post something how dreadful Finals week can be. All in all all media platforms are increased tremendously during the week of finals in order to help students get to that extra mile in order to get that A+ in the class.

The Hobbit

The Sequel to The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey is set to release on 12/13/13 which is one of the las tmovies before starting the new year. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug is going to be a very anticipated release to people all over the world. The long book separated into 3 movies is going to try and improve it's way with it's followers as much people had mixed reactions to the first one. The 2nd movie is going to be a big test to try and get some of the people they had lost from the 1st movie. In the 2nd part of the 3 part movie series the hero Legolas a young elf who is later brought back in the Lord of The Rings movie/book. The desolation of Smaug is going to be a really big release and will forsure end this year on a necessary bang with movies. The desolation of Smaug refers to the dragon in which guards the Lonely Mountain where the dwarves are suppose to have rightfully have until being driven out by orcs. All in all this release is going to be very anticipated and lots of people will be going to watch it and will have plenty to say once they see it. 

Paul Walker

Remember the movie Varsity Blues? That one kid who was the Star quarterback and then falls out of his own status? How about the best friend of Freddy Prince Jr. in She's all That? Yeah I bet you can't remember and if you do good for you because he's had a long impact on the movie industry. That certain individual I'm talking about is Paul Walker and I know you all know him from the latest role he played in the Fast and Furious series. Paul Walker was killed in a car crash while on break and he was in the passenger seat when his friend in the driver seat lost control of the car going at high speeds. Brian O'Connor the man who almost had Dom Toretto was always a event to remember to start out the series which would later become a huge success. With all your success as an actor you will be truly missed Paul Walker and no one can replace you in the upcoming Fast and Furious movies no matter how well that individual will do. 

R.I.P Paul Walker 


Cyber Monday & Black Friday

It's that time of the year to be holly and jolly but that also means you need to buy gifts right? After eating that turkey with gravy and maybe some ham and other delicous treats you just lie down and relax right? Wrong the day after Thanksgiving is called "Black Friday" and it is the day of deals. I personally had to work on Black Friday and I now admire the people who work on Black Friday's. It's one of the craziest times of the year because deals such as TV's drop as much as 5 or 6 hundred dollars and it allows you to save lot's of money. But those deals cause craziness throughout the night because of crowds trampling over other people or people cutting to get into the store. But the week doesn't end with that the following monday starts one of the newest traditions called "Cyber Monday". Cyber Monday is that new holiday in which a couple of stores have deals online. stores such as Forever 21, H&M, etc, have amazing deals or deals that allow you to save money such as free shipping or other deals. Cyber Monday still hasn't surpassed Black Friday in deals but it allows you to stay comfy in your house without the hassle of rude people around you.

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela the man who changed many people's lives in South Africa past away this week. Nelson Mandela was a man who tried to do good all his life. Nelson Mandela is widely known for his involvement in the rugby team in 1995. After Nelson Mandela got out of jail he wanted South Africa to be proud of their country and pushed the Rugby captain of South Africa to win the World Cup. He was the president of the NSA he was chosen as a figure similar to Gandhi because of his non-violence ways. He inspired a nation and it truly is a loss for everyone because of the man he is and was. He will truly be remembered deeply and will definitely have a permanent mark and long lasting effect towards the world.  

Friday, December 6, 2013

Catching Fire

The anticipated release of the newest movie in the Hunger Game series was "Catching Fire" and was very anticipated by everyone who read the series. I initially went to go watch the movie with my girlfriend on the opening night at an earlier show so I knew it wouldn't get to crowded. After the first movie in the Hunger Games starring Jennifer Lawrence as the main character Katniss Everdeen the critics arose as many other movies. The fans of the series emerged and discussed on how they liked the movie and disliked it as well. Some parts were left out in the movie and many people did not like how there wash't any violence included int eh actual movie but in general the movie was a big success. This had set -up the 2nd movie in Catching Fire in which previously I said I went to opening night. The movie was phenomenal in my opinion and was interesting because of the fact that they included some of the details i didn't think they would. I don't want to write about it just in case someone who is reading this wants to actually go watch the movie later on. But in all the movie was all I expected and I believe many fans who criticized the first movie were satisfied with the movie. The excitement in every moment and the twists and turns of the movie really had you jumping out of your seats and make your face go in awe. But as I said I don't want to give out any crucial details about the movie but I believe if anyone who hasn't seen the movie should definitely go watch it!

John Fink

John Fink came in to class today was the guest speaker. He has been in the television industry for many years now and he gave us everything he's got. He is now on the tv station khnl which is a off breed of NBC. He has worked with many people including professor Britos during his time in the television industry. During his time in class he went over some of the concerns in national stage. He gave the class advice on how we should get involved so our world won't be all messed up. HE also encouraged some of the people to try the television industry because KHNL gives internships and scholarships to students who want to go into the television business. It was interesting to see his aspect of tv and everything he does. He does all of his own segments called "Think About It" on KHNL and it was interesting hearing from him how and why he does it. His reasoning behind doing the Think About It segments is that he knows a lot of people these days don't actually think about stuff too hard and his segments challenge viewers in every aspect to actually think long and hard about the subjects he is discussing. Overall the visit was quit pleasant and he does have a very interesting proposal in broadcasting because I see myself as a very social person and would love to get paid to talk essentially.

Ps4 and Xbox One

Ps4 and Xbox One the two biggest gaming consoles were set to release a week in between each other with the Ps4 dropping on November 16 and the Xbox One on November 25. The two Gaming Giants in Sony and Microsoft will battle to see who's best in the gaming community and while that happens the sales of both consoles will be interesting to see who has more consumers. The brand new consoles are set at $400 for the Ps4 and $500 for the Xbox One. They both sold out on their first release and day one edition of each console which has a special thing in it. The Xbox one with it's controller's has a special indentation on the controllers which has a 1 indicating that you got the first ever consoles. On the Ps4 day one edition it didn't have anything special but adding a few little things such as software that would be included. The whole era of gaming is going to another level and is just getting started with the graphics getting so real that it looks like it's going to be like it's right in front of you. But for now the whole hype is the gaming systems between Xbox One and Ps4. But the real question is what console are you for?

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Manny Pacquiao Fight

The Manny Pacquiao fight was on Pay-Per-View and a lot of people wanted to see how Manny Pacquiao could come back after his devastating loss to Juan Marquez. This was the fight that people thought if he were to lose again that he had fell off the top of the world of boxing. They also thought that if he were to lose that he probably should consider retirement after putting so many legends in the sport to rest such as (Oscar de La Hoya & Ricky Hatton). But it was devastating turn of events after his loss to Timothy Bradley in which many thought he had won the match. But in the opposing corner stands the young gun Brandon Rios who has been tearing through the welterweight division to make his way to stardom. Manny Pacquiao eventually was the center of attention and he did not disappoint the fans at all. From beginning to end The Pac-Man had the crowd and the judges in his favor as he dominated the entire match and came out with a unanimous decision against the young gun Brandon Rios. After such domination in such a fight the ratings came out for PPV and the results came out to having a very low PPV rating because no one wants to watch Manny Pacquiao to fight a nobody. But the real question now is whether or not the big fight that everyone has been waiting for is going to happen? The fight i'm talking about is Manny "Pac-Man" Pacquiao & Floyd "Money" Mayweather two of boxing's most popular fighters and even though it would have been nice to see it when Manny Pacquiao had come out of wins such as Ricky Hatton and Miguel Cotto I believe boxing fan's will still love the fight and will be considered one of the best-selling and most-anticipated fights ever in the history of boxing and PPV.

Microsoft Surface 2 Pro Tablet

The new tablet that came out for Microsoft is very impressive. It is different in many ways compared to the apple products. When watching the commercial at first I didn't think it was going to be good but then It began to fascinate me with it's features. Unlike Apple in windows 7 Microsoft introduced the side by side feature which comes in handy on many occasions. This would be able to help me during class in keeping up on written notes while having the book in the other window side by side. One thing which is nice about the new surface pro 2 is that it comes with a stylus which you can write and make notes on. Apple's new product is their Ipad Air which is essentially the same product as other and previous Ipad's. I'm normally an apple product consumer but I believe I am going to buy the Surface Pro 2 over Apple's Ipad Air.